J. Coy Stull

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The Collective Spotlight: J. Coy Stull

Of Counsel at Carlton Fields

J. Coy Stull

An interview with J. Coy Stull, member of The Collective and pro bono supporter through our Volunteer Lawyers Program.

What is your profession? What type of work are you involved in?

I am a Intellectual Property Attorney a Carlton Fields. I help businesses and individuals protect and defend their innovations and ideas.

I will always be an engineer at heart and that background has allowed me to assist with technologies ranging from pharmaceutical compounds to financial software.

Why did you initially join The Collective?

I practiced in Washington, D.C. for over a decade before moving back to Tampa in 2019. I valued becoming an active member of the pro bono community in D.C., and The Collective offered me the chance of becoming a part of the pro bono community here in the Tampa Bay area.

Why do you support Bay Area Legal? Why do you think legal aid is essential?

Legal issues can be a roadblock in people’s lives, causing immense amounts of stress and disruption. To keep our community vibrant for everyone, it is essential to have legal organizations, like Bay Area Legal, that can assist people with those issues.

What is your favorite Collective event that you have attended in the past and why?

The recent trivia event was wonderful. I enjoyed meeting several new people while trying to answer challenging Disney related questions.

Where is your dream location for a Collective event?

Henry Waugh Dessert Room at Bern’s Steakhouse.

What is your favorite part of our Collective events? The drinks, food, or the networking?

So far, I have only been to virtual events. But I like meeting new people more than I like food and drinks, so networking would be the answer regardless.

What is your favorite socially distanced self-care activity?

Running around South Tampa.

Apply for Services

Apply by phone Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., or apply online anytime for non-emergency legal matters. Language interpreters are available to you at no cost.

How do I apply? Am I eligible?

Bay Area Legal Services

If you live or have a case in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Manatee, or Sarasota counties, we may be able to help.

Statewide Legal Helplines

If you live or have a case in Florida, we may be able to help.