No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home is a pre-disaster pro bono project that helps low-income homeowners in Florida clear title to their homes through probate, quiet title actions, preparation and filing of corrective documents or administrative process involving mobile home titles.
The Florida Bar’s Real Property Probate and Trust Law Section (RPPTL) has partnered with No Place Like Home since 2015. RPPTL members provide training and mentor assistance to volunteer attorneys; assist with recruitment; and provide pro bono representation to eligible clients.
How Can You Help?
- Provide pro bono representation
- Train pro bono attorneys
- Develop training materials and forms
- Review and assess potential NPLH case
- Mentor pro bono attorneys
- Mentor legal services staff
I am thrilled to help clients obtain clear title to their homes through Bay Area Legal Services and No Place Like Home. Providing my clients with the security of a home is very meaningful. All attorneys are called to participate in pro bono work, and I have found it to be a rewarding and enriching part of my professional development.
Pro Bono Support We Provide to You
- Professional liability insurance
- Mentor attorneys
- Reimbursement of litigation costs
- Training/free CLEs
- Interpreters and much more
No Place Like Home Pilots Across Florida
- Bay Area Legal Services
- Legal Aid of Manasota
- Legal Aid Service of Broward County
- Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County
- Legal Services of North Florida
For information about volunteer opportunities in non-pilot areas, please contact Nancy Lugo, attorney coordinator, at
Apply for Services
Apply by phone Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., or apply online anytime for non-emergency legal matters. Language interpreters are available to you at no cost.
Bay Area Legal Services
If you live or have a case in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Manatee, or Sarasota counties, we may be able to help.
Statewide Legal Helplines
If you live or have a case in Florida, we may be able to help.